Carol Landow, a 102-year-old resident of Peace Village Independent Living community in Palos Park, has accomplished something truly remarkable by becoming an author. Her book, “The Adventures of Missy,” is a children’s book inspired by her grandchildren’s missing cat that eventually returned home. Landow wrote the story for them, and dedicated its completion to them as a legacy.
She had written a rough draft of the book nearly 20 years ago, but set it aside and forgot about it. Last year, she decided to pick it up again, and it just so happened that Peace Village was offering a writing and illustration class. She took this as a sign from God to finish the project. With help from her daughter for illustrations and her friend for computer assistance, Landow spent at least two hours a day working on the book and completed it in a relatively short period of time.
The CEO of Peace Village, Roger Ellens, is proud of Landow’s achievement and hopes her example inspires others to pursue their creative passions. All proceeds from the book sales will benefit a charitable fund to help Peace Village residents who have outlived their financial resources. “The Adventures of Missy” can be purchased at the Peace Village Gift Shop.