Author Michael Edward Mebruer was born in 1994 in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. His family moved around a lot when he was a child. He spent most of his childhood in rural parts of Kansas and Louisiana. As an adult, he worked full time as a medical lab technician while being a full-time college student. He graduated from LSU in 2019 with a degree in Economics.
Most people who personally know Michael Mebruer, know him as a laid back and goofy guy who does his best to make people laugh. He is loving and loyal to the close group of friends and family in his life. He also considers himself to be a “bad millennial.” He considers this due to his hatred of social media, lack of entitlement, and general sense of humility.
Hello Author Michael Edward Mebruer, Welcome to WorldAuthors.Org! What was the hardest scene from your book to write?
I have a chapter dedicated to debunking “White Fragility” by Robin Diangelo. Debunking her crappy book was easy because I can think critically. But, for me to debunk the book, I had to read the book. It took me about two weeks to read the book because I hated reading it.
Why did you choose to write in your particular field or genre?
It was at a time where it seemed like conservative thought was getting hammered by the woke ideology. I wanted to write about things going on in American culture and politics to try to add a counter argument. Even if it only inspires one person to stand against the woke, I would consider it a mission accomplished. Because you never know what one person can do.
If you write in more than one genre, how do you balance them?
This is my first and only book.

What did you enjoy most about writing this book?
There are two things I really enjoyed:
1. I read a couple of good books to research several different concepts. The best book was “Irreversible Damage” by Abigail Shrier.
2. When I compared Robin Diangelo to the crazy cat lady from the Simpsons.
What book that you have read has most influenced your life?
“12 Rules for Life” by Jordan Peterson was a good read/listen (I listened to it on my audible). It was a long book, filled with many interesting stories and tragedies. I have to hand it to Mr. Peterson, the man is an amazing story teller. He makes lobsters awesome.
Tell us a little about yourself? Perhaps something not many people know?
Honestly, there is not much to say. I grew up middle to lower middle class (depending on the time in my life). I went to public school for my primary education. For my college, I went to a technical school, a community college and an in state public university. I worked my way through school. I paid some of my tuition out of pocket, for the rest I received student loans. I have had my triumphs and my failures. But I do not think that there is anything that I have done that someone else could not have done. Maybe that is why concepts like white privilege bothers me. Because I do not see any opportunity that has ever been afforded to me because of the color of my skin. Every opportunity that has been available to me has been available to others. Whether I failed or succeeded was because of me. And no one else.
Can you tell us something about your book that is not in the summary?
I would advise you to be aware of those people on the far left that tell you how to live. Many of these people are either hypocrites, tyrants, or incompetents. Sometimes you get all three of those rolled into one. As I note in the book, these people propose things that gets people killed.
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