Hello Author Jenny Mannion, Welcome to WorldAuthors.Org! Tell us about yourself.
I am 52, I have 2 kids – 22 and almost 19. I live with the love of my life who I have been with for the last 7 1/2 years. I love helping people. It is my passion to help others see how beautiful they truly are and how they have the power to change their lives.
Where are you from?
I am from New York City originally and have been upstate NY for the last 18 years.
What do you like to do in your spare time?
I love to write, to dance, to read, to play games, do puzzles, to meditate and do gi gong/tai chi and to socialize with friends and family. I also love to cook with my boyfriend and anything out in nature… long walks, hiking and exploring new places. We love to travel which has been a bit different the last few years, but we are happily exploring new places we might want to move to the next few years which is exciting and fun.

Can you tell us a little bit about your journey?
I grew up in NYC truly loving the city but always knowing I did not want to raise kids there. I got married, had kids and we lived in Jersey and then moved upstate NY. I call myself a recovering perfectionist. Those tendencies led to me becoming very ill with 4 different diagnosis and chronically ill and in chronic pain for 7 years. IN healing myself of those 7 years of illness in 3 weeks, I knew I had to help others also recognize the power of their mind. I have been gathering tools and learning different healing modalities for the last 15 years and love to help others begin to fall in love with themselves and live from that space.
My next greatest challenge came almost 2 years ago when my mom passed. She was my best friend of 50 years; my example of unconditional love and we spoke every day – sometimes a few times a day. I was her sole care giver the last 5 months, and it was the most challenging thing I have gone through and the grief that came after was worse than I could have ever imagined. It led to me diving deeper into shamanism and studying that for 14 years and a lot of healing work. I had to show up for myself in a new way since losing her as she was my biggest cheerleader. It has been a tough but rewarding journey since she passed May 2020.
If you had to describe yourself in three words, what would they be?
Loving, Authentic, Curious.
What inspires you?
Authentic people, nature, inspirational writing, seeing someone living their gifts (like feeling that connection when you hear them sing, or see a piece of art they created), reading and learning, dancing, being with friends.
What would be a good subject to start the conversation and break the ice?
Talking about dance, energy or writing – 3 of my loves!! OR how I manifested the love of my life!
Share something your readers wouldn’t know about you.
Dance is so very important to me. I began dancing at age 6. Took dance lessons until age 16 and was in NYC so had the pleasure of dancing on stages like Lincoln Center and Carnegie Hall. At 16 I switched to clubbing and did that until my early 20’s. In my 30’s in was yoga dance and after healing (they told me I would never dance again) was in a belly dance troupe for 5 years where we performed at some local events and locations. With everything being closed I have not been out dancing in a long time but got my boyfriend and I dance classes for Christmas, and we have been having a blast! Dance and writing make me feel connected to everything yet totally free at the same time.
How did you get into writing?
Both of my parents and my teachers always encouraged me to write. My dad taught me how to read when I was 2… so I always remember writing. I remember having my first poem read on the radio in 3rd grade. Journaling and poetry writing has been a part of my life for as long as I remember. And when I was young, I used to love writing personal plays for friends as gifts.
Can you tell us what inspired your book/ work and what is the story behind it?
Healing myself of 7 years of chronic illness in 3 weeks inspired me to get into this career as a healing practitioner and also inspired my book “A Short Path to Change: 30 Ways to Transform Your life”. I already had a BA in psychology from Penn State, so always did love examining how the mind worked but in healing myself of disease I truly began to understand the power of the mind to create our world. I wanted to help inspire others to know their own power and recreate their story and lives.
Are you working on anything at the present you would like to share?
I just launched Akashic Life Path Focus Readings ! The last 2 years has caused everyone changes in their lives. It has caused many of us the opportunity to look at our lives differently and know we want more. The Akashic life Path Focus readings I do offer rate person a look at their primary life lesson that they chose coming into this lifetime and also, I ask what challenge they are facing. I go into the Akashic records and I am able to tell them a few blocks and restrictions making it more challenging for them. Knowledge is power! I also offer some affirmations and tools on transmuting those blocks so they can move forward. I send the client a 10-minute audio summarizing what I found.
What are your goals and aspirations?
I want to help as many people as possible recognize they deserve the lives of their dreams, and it is within reach. We have so many limits and stories. My life looks nothing like it did a decade ago – I had a book published, have my dream relationship, dream career, good relationships with friends and family… We don’t have to choose one area of our life to be good and settle in the others. I want to unite people online also within my online community to help one another. Many have felt isolated but there are so many people with similar struggles. For me, knowing I am helping unite people and inspire them is what it is about. I would love to create more workshops, books, etc and am trusting I am being led to the next step to help others and be of service.
Where can our readers connect with you online?
Facebook: @ReAwakenYou
Instagram: @re_awaken_you