One glace at Tom LeBrun doesn’t give you the whole story about this marital artist who’s protected celebrities—this book tells his true, amazing, and often astonishing story, “Hiding in Plain Sight”: My Life and Adventures Protecting Celebrities.
With martial arts, high-stakes security tasks, big names in the celebrity and business world, Thomas LeBrun should be a household name. Instead, he could be the man standing next to you and you’ve never know. A master of blending in entrusted with protecting entertainers and corporate leaders over a 40-year career, Thomas tells all in his unforgettable memoir.

The boy who wanted to be Superman grew up to be something better; a man of muscle and bone, grit and determination who worked hard to live the life he dreamed of. This heart-pounding, fast-paced story might read like fiction, but it’s one man’s true account of living, protecting the influential, and training for greatness. Learn the ins and outs of security detail, business, and martial arts in a way you’ve never seen them before!
To know more about Author Thomas LeBrun and his book, follow him on Facebook @tom.lebrun.31 and Instagram @tom.lebrun.31