Becoming an authentic and confident parent is essential for building strong parent-child relationships and fostering healthy child development.
Understanding Authentic Parenting:
- Define what it means to be an authentic parent. How does authenticity in parenting differ from other parenting styles?
Being an authentic parent means transparency in parenting and being the proper example for the children we parent. Being authentic is allowing our children to see our mistakes and the proper way to correct the mistakes we make. Showing our children that making the right decisions are not always easy or possible. Authenticity in parenting is different from other parenting styles because it highlights mistakes versus covering them up. Consistency with authenticity will help guide children. Regarding proper behavior, proper coping techniques, and deescalating tensions circumstances, authentic parenting trains children how to respond in a beneficial manner instead of allowing their feelings and emotions to control their behaviors.
Understanding feelings and emotions is a primary teaching in 12 Positive F Words for Parents.
12 Positive “F” Words for Parents
- Share personal anecdotes or stories of authentic parenting experiences to illustrate the concept.
This is an excerpt from the book:
Living as an example is the hardest thing to do. It’s even harder as a parent.
As parents, we are watched more then we think we are. Even when we think we aren’t, we are. Those are the moments our kids are focusing on us the most. You have most likely heard the saying “monkey see, monkey do,” right? This expression really explains parenting and raises awareness of how our children respond to their circumstances.
Have you ever done something in front of your children and thought afterwards, I probably should have added a disclaimer? This is exactly what crosses through my mind as my extended family and I are enjoying reminiscing old memories during their visit. My daughter enters the room when she puts her finger to her mouth, quiets the family, passes gas so loud the entire room is able to hear, chuckles, and runs away. In my family, we play and laugh about bodily flatulence. It’s our passing gas humor. I usually tell the kids to be quiet in the car and let out a big one; however, the atmosphere is typically in a private setting with my children and not while family and friends are over. I probably should have told them I was playing and not to behave like that in front of people outside of our family’s inner circle.
12 Positive “F” Words for Parents
Challenges in Parenting:
- Identify common challenges parents face that may hinder authenticity and confidence. These could include societal pressures, comparison with other parents, or a lack of support.
- Explore how these challenges can be addressed and overcome.
The common challenges parents face that this book helps address is intentionality and communication. Reading this all-encompassing book will help parents in all seasons of child rearing,from infant to late teenage years.
From communication, fear, integrity and from relationships to behaviors, this book helps parents understand how to educate, bring wisdom, and instill knowledge into their children setting them up for success throughout life’s journey.
This book “12 Positive ‘F’ Words for Parents: How to Become the Authentic and Confident Parent Your Child Needs” provides parents with a practical approach that allows children to implement what they are learning pragmatically.
12 Positive “F” Words for Parents

Technology and Parenting:
- Explore the challenges posed by technology, such as screen time and social media, and how they affect parent-child relationships.
The challenges posed by technology, such as screen time, social media, and how they affect parent-child relationships is very complicated. We must remember that children are not on the same cognitive functioning level as adults. Children’s brains are literally forming and developing. When technology is introduced, it brings many challenges for parents. First, how do we get the time we need apart from our children when we can’t afford a babysitter or we don’t have older children to watch the younger ones? It becomes so easy to hand them a technological device and walk away. What we are not doing is making sure what they are watching and playing with is beneficial to them.
While technology is not the enemy it can very quickly become an addiction or a behavioral issue.
The best way to protect our children is by guarding what they watch and how much they are on the devices every day. I would say that children should not be using technology more than 1 to 2 hours a day.
If the child begins to change behavior or act out when told they are not allowed to use technological devices, the parents should be ready to enact a consequence. Taking the device away or providing another consequence to instill the discipline of limited device time. This is how we stop technology from taking over our children.
Find out more about how to mediate children’s usage and experience with technology in my book.
- Discuss strategies for using technology mindfully in a family setting.
The number one strategy for using technology mindfully in a family setting is providing a proper example. If the children see those around them on devices all the time or most of the day they will expect to have the same privileges. We must help our children understand that they are not adults and they do not get the same privileges.
As a family we can use technology for education, games, spiritual devotions and entertainment. Limiting exposure is crucial for training children how to grow up with technology. When we train our children how technology should be used we show our children the proper discipline of self-control.
Learn more about setting boundaries in my new book – 12 Positive “F” Words for Parents
Resources and Further Reading:
- Recommend books, articles, or online resources that can help parents on their journey to becoming more authentic and confident.
Have you ever been challenged thinking of activities to do with your children?
-Here are 12 great FREE ideas
#1 Go for a bike ride or hike together.
#2 Have a family game night and play board games or card games.
#3 Create art together, such as painting or drawing, maybe building or constructing something.
#4 Cook a meal or bake a dessert together.
#5 Have a picnic in the park.
#6 Build a fort or playhouse together.
#7 Plant a garden or do some outdoor gardening together.
#8 Have a movie night and make a fun snack together.
#9 Create an imaginative world and act it out using the whole family.
#10 Have a scavenger hunt or treasure hunt in your own backyard or neighborhood.
#11 Build and Fly a kite.
#12 Write a story together or make up stories and tell them.
Get all these and more from my book – 12 Positive “F” Words for Parents
Long-Term Impact:
- Explore the potential long-term impact of authentic and confident parenting on children, including their emotional well-being and future relationships.
The potential long-term impact of authentic and confident parenting on children is the lifelong relationship and bond it forms. Through trust, intimacy, and transparency, parents and their children will build a bond that will unite the family like never before. Changing generations to come for the better. A better unity in the family makes a more confident, secure, and self-aware child. Raising our children in this manner will teach them discipline and how to take initiative in life, making them productive and successful members of society.
Join me for more in my new book – 12 Positive “F” Words for Parents