Mental health plays a significant role in our lives and impacts how we think, feel and take decisions. Not only this, but mental health also impacts our overall health. Mental illness makes a person weak and reduces their ability to focus, so it is better if they talk about it and come out of it.
In this article, we will discuss the World’s best authors of Mental Health Books. These authors have written some of the finest books which articulate mental health and illness. If you want to read and understand more about mental health, this is the best place.
Here’s the list:-
1. Nathan Filer
Born in 1980, Nathan Filer is a renowned British writer and a qualified mental health nurse. He writes fiction as well as non-fiction books.
Famous Books: The Shock of the Fall, This Book Will Change Your Mind About Mental Health

2. Diane McIntosh
Diane McIntosh is a clinical assistant professor at the University of British Columbia. Till now, McIntosh has written just one book, but that book talks sincerely about mental health and depression.
Famous Books: This is Depression

3. Lori Gottlieb
Lori Gottlieb, born in 1966, is an American best-seller writer and psychotherapist. Her books are sold like hot cakes as the author has immense knowledge of the topic she writes about.
Famous Books: May Be You Should Talk to Someone, Marry Him

4. Bessel van der Kolk
Born in 1943, Bessel van der Kolk is a USA-based psychiatrist, author, educator and researcher. He has written immensely about traumatic experiences and stress.
Famous Books: The Body Keeps the Score, Traumatic Stress

5. Elaine N. Aron
Elaine N. Aron, born in 1944, is an American clinical research psychologist and author. Her research on love and relationships is first-rate, and her books are bestsellers.
Famous Books: The Highly Sensitive Person, The Undervalued Self, The Highly Sensitive Child