Hasbrouck Heights, N.J., Aug. 17, 2020 — Beautifully illustrated with hand-painted watercolors, “He Loves Me! He Truly Loves Me!” is a heart-warming story that follows a tiny, little, furball kitten with big, beautiful, blue eyes and a heart to match as he waits anxiously to see who the lucky one will be who will get to share all the love he has to give. Mupsie soon learns that this doesn’t happen that easily, unfortunately. A story that will resonate with cat lovers, pet owners and children of all ages, this adorable little kitten will certainly steal your heart with his longing for someone to love him.
Mupsie’s story showcases how important the presence of love is for all children and how wonderful it is when that love is shared. A book inspired by the author’s very own Mupsie, this enchanting story will certainly charm and amuse all who decide to join him on his quest to love and be loved.
This book is unique in that it marks a wonderful beginning to a book series that will produce more stories about Mupsie’s journey as he finds his loving home.
“This book is all about the love,” says the author. “I was so blessed to have all this love in my life that I wanted to share it with everyone. I hope that readers all over the world will join us in all the fun and I pray that you find your own Mups to share all the love you have to give.”
“He Loves Me! He Truly Loves Me!” is the perfect book to share with loved ones. The messages of compassion and hope conveyed throughout Mupsie’s backstory will leave readers eager to discover what he does next.
“He Loves Me! He Truly Loves Me! The Story of Mupsie and Me and How We Came To Be!”
By Devon Michael Sangiovanni
ISBN: 9781982236069 (softcover); 9781982236076 (electronic)
Available at the Balboa Press Online Bookstore, Amazon and Barnes & Noble
For hardcover copies and all Mupsie merchandise
Please visit www.mupsiemupsie.com
About the author
Devon Michael Sangiovanni is a children’s songwriter who studied with a piano prodigy right outside of New York City for 9 years. His life was changed forever when he was blessed with a tiny, little furball kitten who became the inspiration for this book series. This book is his first publication and additional books in the Mupsie Series will be coming soon! To learn more, please visit the official website, http://www.mupsiemupsie.com/.
Tiny Little Furball Kitten Steals Readers’ Hearts in Delightful New Children’s Book