Gary C. Laney is CEO of Success Masters, author, and serial entrepreneur of 20+ businesses. Industries include business networking, online media, e-commerce, and intellectual property. A dynamic speaker, Gary has been recognized as a top presenter, motivating tens of thousands of entrepreneurs, professionals, and salespeople. Prior to his entrepreneurial run, Gary spent 25 years as an executive in corporate high-tech and commercial publishing. He is known for his ability to turn around businesses and create dramatic revenue growth. Gary has a triple major MBA from Northwestern Kellogg in finance, marketing, and policy.
Hello Author Gary C. Laney, Welcome to WorldAuthors.Org. What is the hardest part of writing your books?
For me it was trying to find the time to get started. It took a year like Covid that afforded me the necessary downtime to think. Thinking led creating an outline, which prompted me to conduct a business survey, hiring a researcher, which then led to actual writing and producing my first chapter. Once the outline, findings, research and personal knowledge came together, the book had a realistic chance of being completed.
What songs are most played on your Ipod?
Sorry no Ipod. I’m an old rocker from the 70’s and still listen to music on my home and car stereo. I don’t listen to music typically when I’m traveling or exercising. I use that time to brainstorm
Do you have critique partners or beta readers?
If you consider my family beta readers then yes. I certainly do and was fortunate to have my wife read nearly every chapter and help edit and critique along the way. Some of my children also got involved. And also I hired a great researcher, editor, writer to assist me.

What book are you reading now?
Mostly books on how to market the book I just wrote! 😊 My book has just been launched so I’m too busy it seems for casual reading outside of short stories, news and the holy scriptures which keep me grounded.
How did you start your writing career?
I’ve known for 30 years that I needed to write a book and share what I know to be true about great business principles I’ve learned and taught about over the years. Now that I’ve taken the leap into writing, I plan to write more. Again, the hardest part is getting started, and producing something that others may consider to be worthwhile. I knew my ideas had merit since I taught them in business over and over for many years. Putting them into an organized work that had decent flow is a whole other matter.
Tell us about your next release.
A next release is most likely a deeper dive into some of the success factors I wrote about in The Power of Strategic Influence. It may seem trivial, but I’d like to write about how to find the motivation and initiative to get started with just about any challenging project such writing, starting a business and so on.
To know more about Author Gary C. Laney or The Power of Strategic Influence visit: and don’t forget to follow him on LinkedIn and Facebook